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Region 10 Director’s Message - January 2024

Video Tour

Lance Fung

Happy New Year to all IEEE members and families!

No other species celebrates with the passage of time, having the ability to reflect, set goals and have a positive outlook for the future! We should be grateful that we are capable to celebrate every New Year.
Just like celebrating New Years, we choose to be members and volunteers of IEEE, because we can, because we believe, and because we agree to advance the mission and vision of IEEE, for the benefit of humanity!
At this moment, my term as the IEEE Region 10 Director is at half time, and I am on my way to complete my service in the next 12 months.
I take this time to reflect, set goals and express my hope for positive change for the Region.

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2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP)

2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) will be held in Delhi, India from 27-29 September 2024. The theme of TENSYMP 2024 is “Technological Advancements to Help Society Overcome Various Socio-Economic & Health Challenges”.

Website: TENSYMP 2024


2024 IEEE R10 Conference (TENCON)

2024 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) will be held in Singapore from 1-4 December 2024. The theme of TENCON 2024 is “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Technologies for a Sustainable Future”.

Website: TENCON 2024


2024 IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC)

2024 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC) is a premier annual cross disciplinary conference that will bring together technologists, engineers, scientists, investors, representatives from NGOs, governments, academia, and industry. Website: https://ieeemy.org/htc2024/


2024 IEEE R10 SYWL Congress

2024 IEEE Region 10 Student-Young Professional-Women in Engineering-Life Member Congress (SYWLC) is the biennial gathering of volunteer leaders from across the Region, to network, learn and collectively shape the future of IEEE. Visit R10 SYWLC 2024 website: https://ieee-jp.org/japancouncil/affinitygroup/R10SYWL2024/

Online Journalism

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Volunteer with IEEE Region 10


Young Professionals

IEEE Region 10 Young Professionals is a community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative members and volunteers across Asia Pacific.


Women in Engineering

The mission and vision of IEEE Region 10 WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women so as to form a vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.


Student Activities Committee

The Region 10 Student Activities Committee takes care of the needs of 45,000+ student members spread over 1250+ student branches in the Asia-Pacific region (R10) of the IEEE.


Educational Activities

IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities The EAB recommends policies on educational matters and implements programs specifically intended to serve the educational pursuits of IEEE members, the engineering and scientific communities, and the general public.


Membership Development Activities

To promote both professional and student membership growths in Region 10 and the Institute as a whole and to encourage all members to seek the highest membership grade for which they qualify. To monitor membership status and to conceive, develop, and implement membership growth programs in Region 10.


Industry Relations

IEEE Board identified Industry Relations as a major focus Area. To execute the same IEEE Region 10 Industrial Relations committee is striving hard to incorporate industry members and cross pollinate industry activities between different sections from Region 10.