Sri Chandra Appointed As Country Head – IEEE India

Mr. Srikanth (Sri) Chandrasekaran has been appointed as Country head – IEEE India, for their office based out of Bangalore, India.

Congratulating him on his appointment, IEEE R10 Director Prof. Lance Fung said:

I’d like to congratulate Sri on his appointment as Country Head – India in the IEEE Office in Bangalore.
He will play an important role in serving members and the community in India. We trust that under your leadership IEEE will continue to prosper in India as well as in Region 10.
Thanks very much for your contributions to India, R10 and IEEE. We look forward to your association with a high level of dedication, professionalism, and quality standards!


Following is an abstract from the announcement in MGA Scoop:

Screenshot of news article announcing Sri Chandra appointed IEEE India Head

Author: Vijay S Paul

Chair, 2023 IEEE R10 Information Management Committee

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