IEEE R10 New Initiatives Program (2023)

- Posted by Vijay S Paul
- Posted in News, R10 Today
The IEEE R10 New Initiatives program is designed to support potential new initiatives that are expected to empower members and communities in the future. IEEE R10 Strategic Planning and New Initiatives Committee (SPNIC) are looking for proposals of new types of projects/activities/events that involve multiple IEEE R10 OUs and other communities working together, such as:
- Increasing IEEE R10’s connectivity to the industry
- Engaging and recruiting members
- Projects related to IEEE’s Response to Climate Change
- Projects related to IEEE’s Response to Multimedia-Based Digital Reality Technologies
- Creating innovative projects on the promotion of ethics, and diversity and Inclusion
- Increasing the visibility of IEEE R10 and its relevance to other communities
To impact the local/global communities, you are invited to submit proposal(s) for projects, programs, and events from your respective Organization Unit (OU).
The program is open to all IEEE members, supported and endorsed in any OU in Region 10. Proposals that bridge multiple OUs and/or from multiple countries, are welcome.
Terms and Conditions
- Proposals shall be no less than US $1,000, and up to a maximum of US $10,000, although only a limited number of such projects may be awarded.
- All awarded funds must be used within a period of 12 months. Any unused funds are not transferrable to other projects or OU’s.
- Proposals are executed as IEEE R10 activities to be implemented by one or more OUs, preferably with other communities in different countries.
- Co-funding of the proposed project from the sponsoring OU’s will be welcome and increase the chances of being approved.
- If the project is made across multiple OUs, the disbursement will be shared among the participating OUs as per the budget plans submitted and approved. Each OU will be evaluated on its contribution to the program and will request reimbursement accordingly.
- All disbursement requests shall be made within 12 months from the start of and the project. By the end of November of each year during which the project is executed, claims for reimbursements must be made for the expenses incurred in that year. Any unspent budget will be returned as part of the overall R10 budget.
- There is no restriction on the number of OUs or countries in a single proposal.
Expected Deliverables
- Interim reports are required on the progress and expenses incurred. Continual funding of the project will depend on the satisfactory progress of the report. The due dates of the Interim reports are May 31st and November 30th.
- At the end of the project duration (12 months), a final impact report and/or video are expected from all funded projects and activities. More details about the deliverables will be communicated to selected proposals, based on the proposed expected outcomes from the project.
Out of Scope expenses NOT supported from the Fund
- The followings are outside of the program’s scope of funding:
- Venture capital for patentable inventions
- New conferences or publications
- Overhead (general and administrative or indirect costs)
- Construction or building renovations (unless it is an extraordinary strategic initiative)
- Lobbying or electioneering
- Commercial promotion activities
- Personal or commercial loans
- Grants with an individual as the sole beneficiary
- Scholarships to individuals or institutes
- Endowments
- Participation in specific/individual teams at competitions or conferences
- Travel grants and meeting expenses
- Proposals Deadline – Ongoing until 30th, Nov 2023.
- Notification of Acceptance: Within 6 weeks of submission.
- Disbursement Requests Deadline: 30 November for the year.
Online Form:
Point of Contacts: IEEE R10 SPNIC Chair (