IEEE R10’s Response to the Call by IEEE President, on Climate Change

- Posted by Vijay S Paul
- Posted in News, R10 Today
Response to the Call by IEEE President Professor Saifur Rahman, on Climate Change:
IEEE Region 10 AdHoc Committee on Climate Change
Submitted by Emeritus Professor Lance Fung, IEEE R10 Director 2023-24 with extracts from IEEE R10 AdHoc on Climate Change Charter – prepared by Professor Shaikh Fattah.
The 2023 IEEE R10 AdHoc on Climate Change is chaired by Professor Shaikh Fattah, Bangladesh Univ. of Eng. Tech (BUET), Bangladesh, and joined by Associate Professor Nirmal Nair, University of Auckland, and Associate Professor Engr. Parkash Lohana, UIT University, Pakistan as members of the committee.
The AdHoc Committee is tasked to recommend coordination of activities in the Region, which will be aligned with the objective to addressing IEEE’s focus and direction on facing the challenge of Climate Change. The work will examine functions and objectives of various committees in R10, to evaluate and assess their roles and activities, to identify what areas are currently aligned with the Climate Change objectives, and to propose what could be done in 2023 and 2024. The AdHoc will find out how and what could be done within the existing framework and resources, and what could be done to achieve the objectives while fulfilling the mission and vision of IEEE/MGA/R10.
The proposed initiatives will include, Climate Change Awareness events, Training Program focusing Climate Change related topics, and to conduct surveys from members in different OU’s in the Region. The R10 Committees that may launch such activities include EAC, HTA, CTS, PAC, IRC, MDC, YP and WIE. External IEEE Organizations include IEEE EAB, IEEE HTBA and relevant technical societies. The topics will include, but not be limited to:
- Decarbonization
- Use of renewables (solar/wind/hydro)
- Building energy management system (BEMS)
- Smart grid
- Alternate new energy sources
- Renewable integration
- Efficient energy storage
- Efficient electrical machines and instrumentation
- Efficient power transfer
- Community applications of efficient electricity-irrigation, health
- Energy efficiency- Consuming less electricity
- Carbon sequestration
Benefits of the programs are:
- Members will get an overview on the effects of climate change
- Members will know more about the technologies that are useful for overcoming the challenges of climate change.
- Members can share their experience and expertise and can get knowledge from resources or persons
- Members may have access to use some software related to climate change.
IEEE Resources on Climate Change:
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